Grocery application
Admin Can Rights to all Access
Android application
Clinet side application
Vendor Application
Application for delivery person
Quality product and services at a reasonable price is what we look for when we search for any Grocery Store. Our application will provide you the features to supply the same. Now, Shop from your favorite neighborhood store while you are on the go!! Yes our application gives you the liberty to register free. Now relax, and let us take care of your Daily Needs. Be it groceries, sweets or cakes.
So no more hassles of fighting traffic, finding a parking spot and spending hours doing grocery shopping and then carrying heavy loads back home. Even a small grocery store may use it to get extended market.
Work Flow of Admin:
Every Admin will have their unique Login id & Password. They will login to their panels and can see the complete dashboard over there.
Here Admin can add, edit, delete as much as categories and subcategories he wants by simply clicking on Catalog>Categories.
He can add, edit, delete as much as products you want corresponding to his categories by simply clicking on Catalog>Products.
He can add different quantities, units, prices and images of the different products.
He can see the complete order details of the order which has been placed by the customer from the mobile app.
Admin can also export all his orders in the excel sheet by simply clicking on Export to excel.
He can change the status of the orders as per the stages like Processed, Out for Delivery, Completed.
Admin can also add the information regarding your store like Contact details, About the store, Terms and conditions by simply clicking on Information tab.
He can also see the Sales Report Date, Month or Year wise so that he can have an exact idea of his total business.
He can process request for addition of multiple Payment Gateways if he wants for his customers.
Notify customers for new Offers and Discounts.
User Friendly Interface.
Compatible to all devices
Multiple Payment options
Instant Support Number
Grocery App
Easy to share to Social Networking site
Additional Features :
Welcome to a new era of shop-apping for your Daily Needs!
Configuration Features
User Friendly interface
Compatible with receipt printers
POS center wise printer allocation
Customizable taxes and discounts
Strict user access control
Group wise/department wise items with multiple rates
Item wise tax calculation
Department wise item transfer facility
Conversion from Packets/Boxes to single retail quantities
Interactive SMS facility for Sales
GPS tracking
Order delivery status
Stock reports
Sale / Purchase reports
Department wise / Group wise sale report
Customer wise sale report
Purchase returns report with reasons
Sale, complimentary sale<
Purchase / Purchase return with 5 reasons
Stock adjustment
Customizable BARCODE label printing
BAR Code reading
Payment modes in Cash / Credit
Customer Database
Customer account ledger
Excess cash return screen